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Cells have 3 membranes: 1. the cell wall that defines cellular structure and maintains integrity 2. the mitochondrial membrane that support the cell's life-energy processes, and 3. the nuclear membrane that protects our genetic code. Free radicals (also known as reactive oxygen species-ROS)are caused by environmental chemicals (150,000 by 1950) showing up in air, water and food and skin contact via household cleaning products, cosmetics,. etc. It is the free radicals/oxidative stress, with its resultant mitochondrial injury, that leads to the pathophysiology of disease.

COMMON SYMPTOMS OF OXIDATIVE STRESS: allergies, anxiety, depression, gut issues, dizziness, fatigue, headaches, hypoglycemia, irritability, lowered resistance to infection, muscle and joint pain, muscle weakness and poor mental function.

COMMON CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH OXIDATIVE STRESS: ALS, alzheimer's disease, asthma, cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic fatigue, diabetes, fibromyalgia, iron overload, multiple chemical sensitivities, MS, osteoarthritis, parkinson's and RA.

DIETARY SOURCES OF OXIDATIVE STRESS AND MITOCHONDRIAL INJURY: charbroiled foods, excess sugar/glucose, excess alcohol, exposure to heavy metals and petrochemicals, overeating, processed foods, rancid fats, nutritional deficiencies.

So what can we do? Antioxidants, of course, and there are many of them. CBD is excellent for oxidative stress (and a myriad of other amazing benefits) and astaxanthine which is multiple times more potent than vitamin C. I recently ran across a company ("ONEcbd"-Ty/214-415-8495) that has combined both cbd and astaxanthine providing outstanding oxidative stress coverage. One dropper provides approximately 16mg of cbd and 12mg of astaxanthine.

How do you get candida overgrowth? A healthy microbiome (gut bacteria) typically can keep your candida levels in check, however,several factors can cause the candida population to get out of hand:

1. eating a diet high in refined carbohydrates and sugar

2. consuming a lot of alcohol

3. taking oral contraceptives

4. Living a high stress lifestyle

5. Taking a round of antibiotics

The top 10 common candida symptoms include:

1. skin and nail fungal infections (athletes foot or toenail fungus)

2. feeling tired and worn down or suffering from chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia (see heavy metal and mold blogs)

3. digestive issues such as bloating, constipation or diarrhea

4.Autoimmune disease such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis, RA, ulcerative colitis, lupus, psoriasis, scleroderma or MS.

5. Difficulty concentrating, poor memory, lack of focus, ADD, ADHD and brain fog

6. Skin issues such as eczema, psoriasis, hives and rashes

7. Irritability, mood swings, anxiety, or depression

8. Vaginal infections, UTIs or rectal itching

9. Severe seasonal allergies

10. Strong sugar and carb cravings

There a number of ways to test and treat candida overgrowth

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