I approach wellness from a diverse background of education and experience, with a Masters in Business, a Masters in Public Health, a BS in biology, a BS in pharmacy (Registered Pharmacist), a PharmD (kind of like a PhD in clinical pharmacy), a Doctorate in Naturopathy (wellness not medical) and Functional Medicine certification. I have been Board Certified in Nutrition twice and I am certified in holistic iridology (looking at your iris). I am also certified in toxicity/detox with an emphasis on mold/mycotoxins. Realizing the importance and diverse clinical applications of CBD I became certified in endocannabinoids through ICCT (International Center for Cannabinoid therapy). After practicing in the Allopathic/Western world of medicine/drugs for many years, I became convinced there had to be alternatives to Pharmacology - which is why I pursued a Naturopathic Doctorate and the Certification in Functional Medicine.
Allopathic medicine (western medicine) is based on, presenting a symptom and receiving a drug with little concern for the "why do I have this symptom in the first place...?" Allopathy can also become fragmented, that is, you start with a primary care provider who then, when indicated, will refer you to a specialist, all who have a very specific diagnostic/drug paradigm.
In contrast, Functional Medicine is dedicated to finding out the "why do I have a symptom?" This can only be accomplished by looking at all the organ systems (as well as genetics) together, and then assessing them for signs and symptoms of core clinical imbalances. This assessment covers several key areas: gut defense and repair, immunity, inflammation, energy/ mitochondrial function, detoxification, endocrine system, neurotransmitters/brain function and transport; cardiovascular, lymphatic systems, structural integrity and genetics . Triggers can include mental, emotional and spiritual influences, genetic predisposition (emphasis on mental wellness including adhd, autism, alzheimers, depression and anxiety (personal experiences (time lines/cause and effect) and attitudes and beliefs.
My strategies to address imbalances include: Autoimmunity (Hashimotos/the other 100+ autoimmune pathologies) chronic inflammatory response syndrome syndrome, Natural cancer treatment (identifying the causes, i.e. immunity, toxicity, etc.), Bio Identical Hormones (male and female), Thyroid, Adrenal/stress, Gut/inflammatory bowel, Fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue, Genetics, Detox, Metabolic abnormalities (glucose, cholesterol, etc) Nutrition/HCG diet
Call me to set up a consultation, for questions or to order supplements (940) 435-9655